2010 News Archive – Tora Kai Judo Club
Tora-Kai News Update November 2010
2011 London Marathon
Adrian has secured a place to run in the 2011 London Marathon, again for the Neurofibramatisis Association. Your support for Adrian and this very worthwhile cause would be appreciated – whatever you can afford.
You can sponsor Adrian online at
www.justgiving.com/adrianpearman which is safe, fast & totally secure. If you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you. Neurofibromatosis Association – Charity Supported in London Marathon 2007.
Alternatively, if you want to pay in another way, please give Adrian a call on 07717625273 to pledge your sponsorship. Thank you.
Judo Club for Boys & Girls aged 5 to 15+ at Schools & Sports Centres in Surrey, South West London & Middlesex.