Judo Grading 11th October 2018
Grading 11th October 2018 – Tora-Kai School Of Judo
Why Neglect Matters – Free Half-Day LSCB Conference In Kingston
Why Neglect Matters – Free Half-Day LSCB Conference In Kingston-Upon-Thames
Course Description: A half day free LSCB conference for multi agency professionals
Date & Time: 13th November 2018: 9.30am-1.00pm
Venue: Richard Mayo Centre, Kingston-upon-Thames
Course Run By: Kingston & Richmond Local Safeguarding Children Board’s (LSCB).
Research has shown that, of all forms of maltreatment, neglect can have the most pervasive, serious and long-term effects on a child’s and young person’s health and development. It has been a feature in both national and local Serious Case Reviews in Kingston & Richmond in recent years, either in conjunction with other forms of maltreatment or on its own. And yet, it is the one area of safeguarding that practitioners find the most difficult to work with.
There is confusion about what constitutes evidence of neglect and disagreement and confusion about thresholds for intervention. Neglect tends to occur in the context of chaotic and disorganised family life where parents feel overwhelmed, helpless and hopeless. Practitioners faced with the reality of this, often together with resistant and antagonistic responses from parents can also feel overwhelmed and helpless in the face of what appear to be insurmountable problems.
The child, at the centre of this, can become lost. The focus of this conference is to increase confidence in the identification of neglect and the safeguarding of children and young people who have been neglected against a backdrop of a better understanding of the impact of neglect on children’s lives.
The conference will promote the recently updated LSCB Neglect Strategy & Neglect Tool Kit.
Kingston and Richmond LSCB has highlighted neglect as a priority for 2018-2019 and we encourage you to join us in this opportunity to learn together
- To present an overview of the nature of neglect, the impact on the lives of children and young people and the challenges of working with neglectful parents.
- To consider the key messages from serious case reviews for practice in the area of child neglect.
- To consider initiatives for assessment, intervention and improving practice in working with children and young people who have been neglected and improving their outcomes.
Children’s Services Social Workers and Managers; Early Years & Early Intervention practitioners ; Independent Reviewing Officers; Substance Misuse Services; CSE Services,
Education & Academics; Commissioners of Children’s Services; Youth Services; Probation & Criminal Justice, all Health Professionals including, Child Mental Health;
Adult Mental Health, Perinatal Mental Health; Accident and Emergency Department; Health Visitors, School Nurses, Voluntary Sector, Foster Carers.
This half day session will include presentations by key note speakers Dr Jenny Molloy, author of Hackney Child and Professor Ray Jones, emeritus professor of social work at Kingston University.
There will also be an option to practice working with the Neglect Tool Kit in workshops.
Please note that attending this conference can be considered as contributing to refreshing your Level 3 Safeguarding training.
To book a place click on Kingston & Richmond LSCB click on ‘LSCB Training’ and then click on ‘training courses’
Click on Kingston & Richmond LSCB click on ‘LSCB Training’ and then click on ‘training courses’
Email Daksha.Mistry@kingrichlscb.org.uk
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